Saturday, July 28, 2012




Breakfast: You start with a cup of coffee and add Coffeemate, for me it's Italian Sweet Cream, YUM Or you head to Starbucks and get your fav creation of Lattes or Machiatos. That starts it...

All of the sudden you get an insatiable desire for breads "Mmmm a bagel sounds great!" "yes I'll have cream cheese too!"  You finish that simple and filling breakfast and what?  You're dying for something sweet?  "But I just ate?"  

Lunch: "How about a Cheeseburger, Fries and a Coke, no I'll do a diet Coke" "Oh and don't bother bringing the bun, I'm watching my calories" "How about a Wrap, that must be less calories?"  Or you go to Subway and get the 6" - 300 calorie choice and you ditch the regular chips for a bag of baked chips to save on calories and it's healthier too. 

Mid Afternoon: "I am dying for something sweet!"  So you head to the vending machine.

Dinner: "YUMMO!" Grilled Chicken with baked potato and corn! "Now this has to be healthy!" Within an hour of eating you're back in the fridge looking for something to munch on.

Have you ever thought about the 'Why' the cravings start? I mean you think that some of it has to be self control or lack thereof, and just where you are right now, not able to get it together and determine to eat right.  Yeah, we take this all on and feel it's our emotional comfort eating season when truly there is a far greater reason this is happening.

Food producers these days, are first of all using all types of fertilizers and chemicals to treat crops in order to maximize outcomes and of course gain profits.The Farms are using antibiotics in their cattle, chickens etc...and using corn feed.  The true outcome is sabotaging us in several ways.  Many of the chemicals used are carcinogenic and can truly get those radical cells we all have come to life, driving disease such as cancer and others and that's only half of it.

Foods can actually cause your cravings!  That is why for instance when you eat starchy products or bad carbs you suddenly get a craving for sweets!  It's real, the cravings are driven by the foods we eat.  It's insane and we unknowingly allow ourselves to be sabotaged.

Dr Mark Hyman, author of The Blood Sugar Solution says..

"Our government and food industry both encourage more "personal responsibility" when it comes to battling the obesity epidemic and its associated diseases. They say people should exercise more self-control, make better choices, avoid overeating, and reduce their intake of sugar-sweetened drinks and processed food. We are led to believe that there is no good food or bad food, that it's all a matter of balance."

"This all sounds good in theory but...
"New discoveries in science prove that industrially processed, sugar-, fat- and salt-laden food -- food that is made in a plant rather than grown on a plant, as Michael Pollan would say -- is biologically addictive."

"Imagine a foot-high pile of broccoli, or a giant bowl of apple slices. Do you know anyone who would binge broccoli or apples? On other hand, imagine a mountain of potato chips or a whole bag of cookies, or a pint of ice cream. Those are easy to imagining vanishing in an unconscious, reptilian brain eating frenzy. Broccoli is not addictive, but cookies, chips, or soda absolutely can become addictive drugs."

It's all about balancing your blood sugar.  So as much as the junk food hits the spot, you can retrain yourself with balanced blood sugar to enjoy a fresh fruit or crisp veggies in/and to take the place of the junk. 

We have a push from the White House to end obesity, to get healthy foods in schools, yet recently I learned that our government subsidizes the food producers that make the processed foods and the farmers with the chemically treated plants however they do NOT subsidize organic farmers and food producers. What is wrong with this picture?  We're calling for healthcare reform and subsidizing what causes many of our health problems to begin with.

Also I mentioned yesterday that if you are dealing with chronic illness there is a VERY STRONG chance that you can reverse your illness by just changing what you eat rather than doing what most Doctors prescribe.  Medications buffer the affects and only make the pharmaceutical companies fatter.  Wouldn't you like to believe that you have control over your own health and fitness?  Well you do!

It's Insane to keep this up.  Do you want to stop the insanity and not fall for the game that processed foods play in sabotaging you're health and fitness goals?  Then get on board!  Research, read and get your own information and knowledge, to validate this.  No matter what, try hard to limit or eliminate the processed food train and go with fresh natural foods!  IE: Grass fed meats, organically grown veggies and fruits, 

We went to Whole Foods two weeks ago to start ourselves.  Our normal food bill at our local grocer was around $165.00 per week. Our bill at Whole Foods was about the's amazing when you rid yourself of the processed chips, snacks can afford the 'good for you' food, it really takes the excuse out of the normal response to eating healthy and organic you know which one I mean; "It's way too expensive"!  It's isn't at all too expensive when you cut out the food that is literally sabotaging our minds and bodies into believing it's just motivation that stops us from getting Healthy and Fit.  Try it one step at a time, start incorporating clean food into your weekly grocery shopping and eliminating all processed foods!  

Oh and then there is the whole allergy possibility to Wheat, Gluten and Dairy, but that's a subject for a future blog.

It's Just Me, Val Ciao'!

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