A Revelation For Me!
I have to be honest, I am a huge breakfast person, love my eggs (1 yolk 2-3 whites) in a veggie omelet w turkey sausage and coffee. BUT in the last week I have replaced that meal with Shakeology and not only am I more than satisfied, I have broken away from all the coffee/caffeine I was drinking (sometimes a pot a day!) Yes Coffee has recently been proven to have a good affect on health, HOWEVER a cup of coffee, NOT a POT! LOL.
My energy level has increased and I now know that no matter what I've gotten every Veggie and Fruit requirement as recommended for daily nutrients all in one really good drink!
I mix the Tropical Shakeology with one banana and a cup of Almond Milk...so good and satisfying.
So as much as I'm not a meal replacement advocator, I am now a BELIEVER in Meal Replacement. Ha ha! my revelation of the week!
If you can find a nutritious shake, and I don't mean Slim Fast, that's not it, but one that has all the nutrients that fulfill your daily requirements, one that tastes good and you like, JUST DO IT.
My thought originally was "Oh this is too expensive!" But actually what I'm using only comes to $4.00 per day, less than a Starbucks! And we actually save money with my drinking this over making Breakfast everyday! AND Coffee is soooo expensive that we're saving there too.
My advice for this week? Replace one meal a day with a Healthy Juice recipe or Shake and if you're interested in trying Shakeology I'll send you a sample and recipe FREE! Just join my site at: http://beachbodycoach.com/valstay
Make it a great Saturday...get out, MOVE and have some fun! Zero to One!
It's Just Me Val, Ciao'!